Friday, March 27, 2020

Life in the Time of Cornavirus, Week 2

When I decided to revive the blog a few weeks ago, I did not see this coming; no one did, really. I've been seeing a lot of posts like "10 ways to clean your house while quarantined" or "shows to binge watch", but the reality is that working full time at home with 2 kids means a severe lack of free time. Gone are the audiobook-enriched commutes or lunchtime knit group at work. The pictures above are truly random, all taken on my non-fancy phone camera and completely unedited.

I've been deep in the world of aspirational crafting lately, daydreaming about all the clothes I'm going to sew, cross-stitch patterns I'm going to complete, or home renovations to start. The reality is hardly any of this will actually get done. So for the time being, I am going to prioritize exercising 3-4 days a week, and doing a creative activity for at least 45 minutes a day. This time comes at the end of the day while Mary has her screen time. I won't lie, the pull of my screen is strong, but there is only so much news you can read before it starts having a negative effect.

Here are a few bright spots I've encountered this week:

Pip from Meet Me at Mike's posted "Can making stuff admit the mayhem really improve our mental health?" (The source of this post was the article "How Craft is Good for our Health".)

There are many free online classes popping up. I've been following Sketchbook Revival, hosted by Karen Abend and Laura Horn's course Abstract Collage Creations. Alisa Burke is posting how-to videos on her YouTube channel. I've also been enjoying Lisa Congdon's Coronavirus Diaries she is posting to Instagram.

I hope everyone is hanging in there!

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