Monday, June 17, 2024

Reading Lately: Women's Prize Longlist 2024


I've read half of the Women's Prize Longlist for 2024! That is probably going to be all I read, to be honest, as I only wanted to read the titles I initially found interesting. I watched several reaction videos when the longlist was first announced, with many readers expressing annoyance at how so many of these titles were unknown or seemingly came out of nowhere. But, I was happy to see so many less-famous titles and be introduced to new authors and settings. The winner has now been announced, and it is Brotherless Night by V.V. Ganeshananthan. I wholeheartedly agree with this selection!

Here are my thoughts, from favorite to least favorite:

Soldier Sailor by Claire Kilroy: This is the most accurate portrayal of motherhood to a young child that I have ever read. The husband drove me nuts (which I think was the point). If you are a parent, read this to feel seen, and if you don't have kids, read this to know what parents are going through. Really, nothing has captured the conflict between the exhaustion of parenting, loss of self, and love for a child better.

Brotherless Night by V.V. Ganeshananthan: This book takes place mostly during the 1980s when the Sri Lankan civil war began and intensified. Following Sashi and her family (she has four brothers, referenced in the title), we see the impact of the war on a Tamil family and read of their various levels of involvement. Sashi is pulled in two directions, wanting to continue her education to become a doctor, and her loyalty to her brothers and a cause she doesn't always support. I learned so much about this time and place; the writing is accessible and I think most every reader would get something out of this book.

River East, River West by Aube Rey Lescure: I write about this more in length in my last reading post; I really enjoyed this coming of age story that spanned generations in Shanghai.

Ordinary Human Failings by Megan Nolan: This did not make the shortlist, but wish it had! After a horrific crime occurs, the family involved hides away in a hotel but is preyed upon by a tabloid journalist trying to get a scoop. We read about the family's history in Ireland and how that history impacts present-day events. I thought this was quite well written and I felt engaged with the characters. This was a perfect mix between slow family drama, and a plot that moves the book forward.

The Maiden by Kate Foster: This book falls lower on my list not because it wasn't a great read, but because I didn't think it was quite up to prize level. The story of a woman in the middle ages accused of killing her lover, this book was so much fun.

Restless Dolly Maunder by Kate Grenville: While I found Dolly's story fascinating, I didn't enjoy the writing style. There is barely any dialogue in this book, and a lot of "and then they did this, and then they moved there." Dolly is a forceful woman in a time where women didn't have a lot of opportunities. Based on a real person, Dolly makes her own life in turn of the century Australia, succeeding in business and taking her family along for the ride. 

Enter Ghost by Isabella Hammad: The setting in Palestine makes this a very timely read, and I did think that the theme of belonging was carried out successfully. Sonia is Palestinian, but lives in Britain and has a Dutch mother. She returns for a visit to Palestine and ends up acting in a production of Hamlet in the West Bank. While I did find the examination of place to be interesting, ultimately I was bored by a lot of this book and didn't think any of the characters were developed besides Sonia and the play's director, Miriam.

The Wren, The Wren by Ann Enright: I know a lot of readers enjoyed this book, and even have it among their favorites, but I could not get into it. I didn't connect with either of the main characters, a mother and daughter. I would call this a "quiet book" where not a lot happens, and truthfully after reading it a month ago I have forgotten most of it. I thought the theme of family connections and the impact of older generations on the younger was very similar to the theme of Ordinary Human Failings, which in my opinion was much more successful.

This was the first time I attempted to read a prize list; would I do it again? I think the Women's Prize was the perfect selection for me, and I will potentially do it again next year depending on the longlist. It was a fun experience because it seemed like I was part of a huge book club and I had much more interest in the selection of the winner. If you haven't read a prize list before, I urge you to go for it!

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Great Big World

Right after I published my last post, I saw that Jeremy at Read More Books had written about two books that are probably a lot more articulate about the flattening of culture. Check out his post!

Sometimes I avoid starting a blog post because I think it has to be paragraphs and paragraphs with tons of photos. That amount of work is overwhelming - so I'm going to make this one a short one, and hopefully relieve some of that pressure and post more often!

About every 5 years I convince my employer to pay for me to attend a conference, and you better believe I choose that conference based entirely on where it is located. This year, I found one in Portland, Oregon, a city and state I have always wanted to visit. The conference itself was held in what I can only term the "dungeon" of a hotel, rooms with no windows, dim lighting, and visible air ducts. And they didn't even give us a free totebag! The Portland weather was typically rainy, which hardly mattered due to the lack of windows. 

I enjoyed the city but didn't see much of it, spending my time as a dungeon-dweller 9 hours a day. I visited Powells, the largest used bookstore in the world, but other than that, I missed many of the main attractions. I didn't mind because that's not what I was looking forward to; after the conference ended I headed out to see the more wild parts of the state (and neighboring Washington.)

I lucked out SO MUCH on the weather. For the remainder of the fun part of my vacation, the skies were clear and sunny. I visited Cape Disappointment in Washington, then drove down (over the extremely terrifying Astoria Bridge) to Cannon Beach in Oregon.

I was in awe of this beautiful place. Most of the time, I could hardly believe I was there. Pretty much all I did was walk around - over 90,000 steps over the course of the week! I'm not a big foodie (most of my meals came from Safeway) and I'm not a big shopper, so walking along trails and the beach was the best I could ask for.

Next I turned myself around and drove east, back through Portland to the Columbia River Gorge. As a waterfall lover, I was in heaven! My first stop was Multnomah Falls, which is the tallest waterfall in Oregon. From the bottom it was easy to look up and say, sure, I'll walk up to the top, but about switchback 11 of 17 (they were helpfully labeled) I was starting to regret my decision. I always finish what I start, though, and almost 1000 vertical feet later I was looking down at the falls from the top.

I also sampled Horsetail Falls, Wakena Falls, and Bridal Veil Falls, most of which also involved a great deal of up and downhill walking. The next day my calves froze and I hobbled around, but it was worth it.

On my final full day, I achieved a life-long goal of walking part of the Pacific Crest Trail! I have long been obsessed with long-distance hiking (mainly reading about other people doing it), and the PCT is the ultimate beautiful long trail at 2,650 miles. I hiked a connecting trail up to the PCT and hiked to Lake Gillette.

It was nearly 90 degrees that day, and a lot of the trail wasn't shaded, but I powered through because how often does one get to hike the PCT?? I sat by the cool stream above to have my lunch. When I finally returned to my car, I was completely sweat-soaked and dehydrated, but because I still had to return the rental car and take a shuttle to my airport hotel, I spent the next several hours very gross, and I'm sorry to everyone at Safeway who passed by me later that day!

This was an amazing trip that I will forever be thankful for. It seems like whenever I travel, something goes wrong - bad weather, long waits, delayed flights, weird noises in hotel rooms. On this trip, the forces of the universe must have aligned because nothing went wrong.

Oregon is now one of my favorite states, and I will definitely be back!